Belair nursery will be closed on Friday 14 February 2025 due to a planned power outage. The site will reopen as usual on Saturday 15 February 2025.

Bushfire resistance

If you live in a high bushfire risk area, you need to be aware of the risks you face during the fire season. You need to consider plants as part of your fire protection plan. All plants can burn, but with careful plant selection you can reduce the risk a bushfire can present.

Landscaping for bushfire involves planning, designing, planting and managing the area around a house. The location, type and ongoing maintenance of vegetation can have a significant impact on the bushfire risk to any house.

When selected and located correctly and properly maintained:

  • fire retardant plants can absorb more of the heat of an approaching fire without burning
  • fire retardant trees can trap embers and sparks and reduce wind speed near a house
  • fire retardant ground covers can slow the travel of a fire through the litter later.

No plant is fireproof and any plant can burn under the right conditions. Visit the website of your local fire service to learn more about landscaping for bushfire.

Re-establishing your garden after bushfire

Fire is a natural part of the Australian landscape, but it can also have devastating consequences.

If your garden has been destroyed by bushfire it’s often difficult to know where to begin, but the arrival of more favourable weather is the perfect time to start planting.

Planning a garden from scratch can be daunting and there are lots of things to consider. Download the Re-establishing your garden after bushfire brochure to help you start the process.

State Flora plant lists

These lists will help you choose the plants to suit your needs. Talk to our staff to make sure that any plant you’re interested in is suited to your local environment.