Bulbs and lilies

Most home gardeners love the splash of colour that flowering plants bring to their gardens. With Australian natives you can have flowers of every colour imaginable all year round.

Along with our flowering trees, shrubs and groundcovers, State Flora grows flowering plants for hanging baskets, pots and rockeries. Many of these ornamental plants are highly decorative and make a beautiful addition to the home garden. Our knowledgeable staff can help you to choose the perfect flowering plants.

We also grow bulbs and lilies such as Arthropodium strictum, South Australia’s vanilla lily. The bright green foliage is narrow and grass-like. Spectacular blue-purple flowers are borne on spikes that hang above the foliage. The flowers have a delicious vanilla or even chocolate fragrance. These delightful plants are easy to grow in well-drained soils and are gorgeous dotted through a garden or rockery.

We have a huge range of plants readily available – and if we don’t have it we’ll grow it for you.

State Flora plant lists

These lists will help you choose the plants to suit your needs. Talk to our staff to make sure that any plant you’re interested in is suited to your local environment.